Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ultimele cazuri romanesti pe rolul CEDO (in care s-a pronuntat, sau urmeaza sa se pronunte o decizie)

Saptamina trecuta, pe 26, a fost publicata decizia in cazul

Lungoci v. Romania (no. 62710/00) , care este un caz pe articolul 6 § 1 (dreptul la proces, in termen rezonabil) si Protocolul No. 1 (protectia proprietatii) din Conventie.

Versiunea in limba franceza a deciziei, singura publicata , aici.

Saptamina viitoare, pe 31(marti) se va comunica si decizia Curtii intr-un caz de incalcare a dreptului la libera expresie a doi jurnalisti, in cazul:

Stângu and Scutelnicu v. Romania (no. 53899/00) care, in versiunea engleza a comunicatului de presa este prezentat astfel.

The applicants, Lucian Dragoş Stângu and Ovidiu Scutelnicu, are Romanian
nationals who were born in 1968 in 1967. Mr Stângu lives in Philadelphia (United
States) and Mr Scutelnicu in Bucharest.

In May 1997 the applicants, who are both journalists, published an article in a Iaşi newspaper Monitorul that was critical of a police officer. Criminal defamation proceedings were brought against them and in May 2000 they were ordered to pay damages to the police officer and his wife.

The applicants say that their conviction infringed their right to freedom of expression under Article 10.


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