Thursday, September 30, 2004

Microsoft cere Curtii Europene suspendarea penalitatilor anti-trust impuse de Comisie

"Darling company"(trimit la discutia din tic-lobby pe aceasta tema) a guvernantilor nostri continua lupta impotriva deciziei Comisiei(reamintim pe scurt celor care nu au urmarit povestea ca la mijloc e vorba de o amenda de $612 milioane, schimbari in sistemul de operare si furnizarea de mai multa informatie competitorilor sai),cerind suspendarea ordinului acesteia in fara CE, sustinind ca ordinul Comisiei incalca drepturile sale de proprietate exclusive, limitate in timp si ii va provoca daune iremediabile. (un dosar al stirii in engleza in Paper Chase, aici)

P.S. Tot pentru amatorii domeniului, o noua carte anuntata de Lawrence Lessing in blogul sau, “Promises to Keep” , de William Fischer III.

Spune Lessing despre ea:"Professor Terry Fisher’s new book is the most serious, comprehensive treatment of the alternatives we face for protecting copyright in a digital age. While it’s famous for his particular solution, it is most effective when you see his solution against the background of the complete set of alternatives that he surveys.I think this book deserves extremely serious consideration by all who think seriously about this issue. I’ve asked Terry to guest blog during the week of October 24, but I’d encourage people to look at the book before then... "

Postingul sau contine si un link catre site-ul lui Fischer, unde 2 capitole ale cartii sint disponibile.


At 7:25 AM, Blogger Bogdan said...

Ar trebui sa mai remarcam ca acest caz este un caz-cheie in chestiunile Microsoft/ anti-concurenta in Uniunea Europeana .
vezi si

de urmarit...


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