Friday, October 29, 2004

Constitutia Europeana (Tratatul privind stabilirea...)

Bineinteles fara participarea Romaniei ai caror leaderi sint "preocupati" mai mult de "interne", pardon afaceri interne.

Via Helen Hartnell (Golden Gate)un anunt al evenimentului mai jos (nu am mai avut timp sa il traduc in romana):

Despite the current crisis surrounding the Barroso Commission, EU heads
of state and government are in Rome today to sign the Treaty
establishing a Constitution for Europe, the terms of which they agreed at an
Intergovernmental Conference in June 2004.

During the past four months, the text has been in the hands of the
Council's legal and linguistic experts for translating, editing, and
renumbering. The Treaty itself, which is authentic in 21 languages, runs to
around 350 pages, and is supplemented by another 500 pages of
protocols, annexes and declarations.

The Constitutional Treaty, which will be signed in the same room where
the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community was
signed in 1957, will enter into effect on 1 November 2006, provided that
all Member States have by that date adopted it in accordance with their
own procedures for ratification
. Some Member States will hold a
referendum to determine whether or not to adopt the Treaty. The first of
these is expected to take place in Spain in early 2005.

Textul acestuia (varianta in limba engleza) aici (sau urmarind linkul din titlu).

Un comentariu despre cum aceasta Constitutie va "afecta" sistemele legale ale tarilor membre ale EU aici


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