Thursday, September 30, 2004

Comisia Europeana lanseaza o strategie larga pentru prevenirea malpracticii financiare si celei a corporatiilor

Este vorba de o strategie pentru actiuni coordonate in domeniul serviciilor financiare,dreptului societatilor comerciale, contabilitatii,taxelor(dreptului fiscal),supravegherii,etc, pentru reducerea riscului de malpractica financiara. Comunicarea Comisiei recomanda aplicarea imediata si efectiva a Planului de Actiune in domeniul Serviciilor Financiare (vezi IP/04/696)si a planului de Actiune privind Dreptul Societailor Comerciale si a Guvernarii acestor Societati (vezi IP/03/716)care asigura o structura legala europeana efectiva pentru rezolvarea celor mai multe dintre problemele legate de scandalurile financiare recente ca si un control strict privitor la aplicarea legislatiei.Comisiea sugereaza noi intiative in domeniul taxelor si controlului respectarii legislatiei.Elementele cheie sint : transparenta sporita, urmarire imbunatatita si mai un control coordonat mai bun.Iata mai jos un preview:
"The Parmalat affair showed how some companies use complex and opaque structures to reduce the transparency of their activities to investors" said Frits Bolkestein, Internal Market and Taxation Commissioner. "The risk of such financial scandals must be reduced. Policy needs tightening up in certain areas. Scandals damage financial markets. Confidence declines. Investors are put off. The cost of capital could rise. These issues must be tackled with rigour to flush the crooks out and deal with them early, before they do damage. "

In the tax field, the Commission suggests more transparency and information exchange in the company tax area so that tax systems are better able to deal with complex corporate structures. Issues that will be examined include possible improvements to the Mutual Assistance Directive (77/799/EEC), developing common definitions of tax fraud and avoidance, exchanges of experience and best practice between tax administrations, the use of new technology to improve information exchange, and, in the longer term, examining with Member States the use of a common company identification number for company tax purposes.

The Commission also wishes to ensure coherent EU policies concerning offshore financial centres, to encourage these jurisdictions also to move towards transparency and effective exchange of information.

With regard to law enforcement activity, the Commission wishes to develop an EU instrument to tackle obstruction of justice, a Community policy on corporate liability involving effective, proportionate and dissuasive fines for failure to comply with existing legislation and an EU instrument on asset sharing and restitution of confiscated proceeds.

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