Saturday, October 30, 2004

Liderii UE semneaza Tratatul Constitutional

La ce a postat Liviu, mai adaug doua stiri din surse oficiale:

"Astazi 29 Octombrie 2004, la Roma, Sefii de Stat si de Guvern si Ministrii Afacerilor Externe din UE au semnat Tratatul si Actul Final de instituire a unei Constitutii pentru Europa. Semnarea Tratatului a avut loc in cladirea Campidoglio, Sala Degli Orazi si Curiazi, aceeasi sala in care cele sase state fondatoare – Franta, Germania, Italia, Olanda, Belgia si Luxemburg – au semnat Tratatul de instituire a Comunitatii Europene in 1957.

"Aceasta Constitutie ne mareste capacitiatea de a face Europa mai sigura, mai prospera si mai dreapta. Trebuie sa lucram impreuna pentru a utiliza la maximum aceasta capacitate. Sarcina noastra nu a luat sfarsit", a declarat Presedintele Consiliului de Ministri UE, Primul Ministru al Olandei, Jan Peter Balkenende, la ceremonia ce avea loc la Campidoglio.

Accesati link-ul de mai jos pentru mai multe informatii.

Sursa: Delegatia Comisiei Europene in Romania


Vineri, 29 octombrie 2004, Sefi de Stat sau de Guvern si Ministri de Afaceri Externe din 25 de state membre si 3 state candidate au semnat Tratatul de instituire a unei Constitutii pentru Europa, care a fost adoptat in unanimitate la 18 iunie, a.c.

Acest Tratat poate intra in vigoare doar cand va fi adoptat de fiecare din tarile semnatare, in conformitate cu procedurile constitutionale existente (procesul de ratificare a Tratatului de catre statele membre).

Odata ratificat de catre toti semnatarii, Tratatul poate intra in vigoare, in principiu, conform Tratatului, la 1 noiembrie 2006.

Textul integral al tratatului il puteti gasi la:

Sursa: Comisia Europeana

Postat aici de Dan STOICA


At 8:23 AM, Blogger Liviu said...

Cred ca trebui sa audaugam si cele aparute pe lird aici:
Dan Dan (romaniaeuropeana)
" mult mai multe informatii decat aceasta stitre despre Constitutia UE pe - atat la rubrica stiri "Astazi s-a semnat la Roma Constitutia UE" cat si la rubrica revista presei unde sunt TOATE articolele aparute in cotidienele online pe aceasta problema cat si la rubrica drept comunitar :)"

si raspunsul meu la acesta

"Absolut de acord cu tine, dar 1) rolul Monitoarului nu este nicidecum sa anunte o stire sau alta (altii o fac mai bine decit mine, oricum) ci mai mult(pe cit posibil, si e timp pentru asa ceva, pentru ca nu prea
e timp intodeauna), sa ofere un comentariu (politic sau doctrinar)sau altul la cele intimplate
2)"stirea" de pe Monitoar a aparut la o ora la care nu erau disponibile pe net comentariile romanesti (de aceea nici nu am vrut sa o anunta pe lird, asteptind mai multe reactii, care nu au intirziat sa apara, pe alte forumuri-bineinteles nu si pe lird, si poate de aceea Dan a si simtit nevoia sa o "publice" aici).
3) interesant pentru romani nu cred sa fie semnarea actului constitutional in sine (oricum ei nu au avut nici o contributie la acesta), ci mai degraba de ce Romania a "reusit" din nou sa nu participe, ridicind
in plus recent si serioase dubii in legatura cu data la care va reusi totusi sa incheie ce si-a propus de atita amar de timp sa faca (nu mai repet ce).

Plecind de la linkul indicat de tine, am cautat sa vad si eu citeva explicatii asupra celor de mai sus prin presa romaneasca, si pierzindu-mi rabdarea rapid, ca orice bun roman, nu am reusit sa dau decit peste un articol al lui Gelu Trandafir in Ev Zilei (altfel am citit vreo 2-3 articole de omul asta care au fost o.k.)intitulat "Noii inchizitori".
Trandafir discuta impasul "constitutional" in care s-a aflta comisia, din perspectiva romaneasc.
Omului ii dau fiori contestarea atit de vehementa de catre Paralament a celui care si-a marturisit
credinta, Buttiglione..., redau mai jos comentariul sau (intregul articol la :

"Dar nu asta trebuie sa ne ingrijoreze pe noi, cei care stam inca pe margine, in carantina, ci faptul ca precedentul Buttiglione a ridicat corectitudinea politica la rang de dogma oficiala a Uniunii Europene.
Buttiglione, catolic practicant, a fost blamat doar pentru ca si-a asumat public credinta crestina. A spus ceea ce sute de milioane de catolici, ortodocsi sau protestanti marturisesc in intreaga lume: "Eu
pot gindi ca homosexualitatea este un pacat"... pentru a preciza imediat: "dar asta nu are nici o influenta asupra politicii mele, atit timp cit nu consider homosexualitatea fapta penala". Nu i s-a reprosat altceva.
Nu i s-a reprosat vreun act de intoleranta, nimic legat de calificarea pentru job-ul la care candida."

Desi sint mai multe inexactitati in cele de mai sus,hai sa luam doar fraza "Nu i s-a reprosat altceva."

The Telegraph --

"Buttiglione 'not told of laundering inquiry"-....The Telegraph
reported on Wednesday that Italy's minister for European affairs had been investigated as part of a year-long inquiry into suspected money- laundering for the Italian Christian Democratic Party in the late 1990s, but that charges had not been pressed.

The inquiry was chiefly focused on several Monaco bank accounts held by Mr Buttiglione's right-hand man in Rome, Giampiero Catone, who is facing trial in Italy on unrelated charges of "fraudulent bankruptcy".

si in times on line .........,,
"THE Italian politician chosen as the EU's justice and civil rights chief will be asked today by the European Parliament to stand aside even before taking up his post after causing outrage with his views on
homosexuals and women.

Rocco Buttiglione, a friend of the Pope, infuriated the Parliament when, in his confirmation hearing last week, he said: "I may think that homosexuality is a sin but this has no effect on politics, unless
I say that homosexuality is a crime."

When asked last week about how his religious convictions would affect his policies, Signor Buttiglione said: "I am ready to seek dialogue,
which is normal in a democracy, but if a proposal is contrary to my moral principles I would oppose it."

The European Parliament, which has to approve all of the commissioners, has drafted a letter which insists that Signor Buttiglioni be given another job. The letter will be voted on today by the Justice, Freedom and Security Committee and is supported by most parties.
The draft letter says: "The majority of the committee considered that the vice-president designate's moral and political views offered no guarantee that he would fight as actively as Parliament wishes against
sexual discrimination."

Josep Borrell, the President of the European Parliament, said: "I find these views shocking. I don't think that at this moment in time we can
have such people in charge of justice — especially justice. Perhaps if he were in charge of beetroots, it wouldn't be so serious."

Signor Buttiglione, a philosophy professor and Italy's Europe Minister, has accused his critics of discriminating against Roman Catholics. "For those who boast of being the representatives of non-
discrimination, this seems to be a case of political and ideological discrimination," he said....."

Mai este si partea de imigratie, dar nu mai insist asupra ei.

Ce mi se pare interesant,desi m-am obisnuit cu vederile defermonate de pe malurile dimbovitei, este ca un ziarist roman il vede pe Buttiglione ca pe un campion al credintei, si nu ca pe personaj anacronic, asemantor celor romani (la fel de "principiali")care mai mult ar putea incurca decit descurca meandrele justitiei europene.
Ca parlamentul european vrea mai degraba un ins cu vederi progresiste decit ultraconservatoare in domeniul acesta , e treaba lui si poate fi
argumentat de ce e mai bine asa, dar sa il vezi pe insul respins capion al credintei fara sa investighezi complet "recordul",si argumentele celeilalte parti,hm....
Las pe altadata discutia despre implicatiile normative ale extinderii puterilor parlamentului.

At 12:33 PM, Blogger Liviu said...

Putem adauga la lista si articolul urmator din the Economist, precum si comentariul despre Buttiglione care poate fi gasit aici sau urmatorul comentariu din CT:

....the European Commission President has blinked, and backed down in the face of a credible threat from the Parliament to defeat the Commission. The short term result is an (informal) enhancement in the power of the Parliament to control the Commission - what’s likely to happen in the longer term? My predictions:
1.An informal deal between the Parliament and Commission in which the Parliament will get a permanent role in deciding which Commissioner gets which portfolio. If Barroso had struck a deal with Parliament last week, he would have been able to get away with sacking Buttiglione, and nobody else. Now, the Parliament is going to demand a higher price - in part because it can get it (the Commission has blinked), and in part because this will be much easier to sell to Christian Democrat MEPs who didn’t want Buttiglione to go. It’s clear that there is going to be a real reshuffle (Buttiglione will be booted; a couple of other dodgy Commissioners will either withdraw or be allocated less sensitive portfolios). The Parliament will demand a proper and ongoing voice in this, and will almost certainly get away with it - neither the Commission nor the member states are going to want a repeat of this week.
- If there’s ever another round of Treaty revisions, I suspect that the Parliament will be formally given the power to reject individual Commissioners. It has effectively shown that it is willing to summon up an absolute majority to reject the entire Commission if there’s one Commissioner whom it dislikes sufficiently. It makes sense for the Council to recognize this fait accompli - and ensure that the Parliament can express its dissatisfaction with individual Commissioners without provoking an institutional crisis by sacking the lot of them. Something like this has happened before, in the Council-Parliament confrontation over the “last bite at the cherry” stage in the codecision procedure (if anyone’s interested, the story is detailed here in a piece co-written with Adrienne Heritier).
-Curiously perhaps, given the slant of the current news coverage, an increase in the powers of the Commission President vis-a-vis the Council. Up to now, the Commission President has had limited choice over who gets what portfolio, and none whatsoever over who gets nominated. As a result, the European Commission is an odd mix of ambitious and competent politicians, bureaucratic operators, placeholders, superannuated hacks and complete chancers. Now, the Commission President is going to be able to tell member state governments that certain candidate Commissioners are unacceptable, and have more discretion in making sure that the right person gets the right portfolio - he’ll be able to say quite credibly that the Parliament won’t stand for this or that fox being put in charge of the hencoop. In political science jargon, he’s now the equivalent of a “COG” in a “two level game”
-As a result of all the above, a quite real increase in democratic legitimacy for the EU. The European Commission only vaguely approximates to a real government, and the European Parliament is not a fully-fledged parliamentary body. But by holding hearings for Commissioners- and firing them if they don’t measure up - the Parliament is injecting some real accountability into an area of EU politics that has traditionally been dominated by self-serving backroom deals among governments.


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