Cele mai bune bloguri politice
Un vot are loc aici pentru desemnarea celor mai bune bloguri liberale(ma rog dintre cele incluse pe lista) de catre colegii nostri americani. Iar unul aici pentru desemnarea celor conservatoare.
In tabara liberala (unde constat cu placere ca blogurile pe care le citesc regulat domina podiumul ) clasamentul arata astfel dupa aproape 6000 de voturi:
Matthew Yglesias 24.7%
Brad DeLong 13.2%
MyDD 9.9%
South Knox Bubba 7.1%
Oliver Willis 6.5%
TalkLeft 6.5%
Pandagon 5.8%
Informed Comment 5.6%
Orcinus 4.5%
AMERICAblog 3.9%
Pennywit 3.8%
pesky apostrophe 2.7%
Something Requisitely Witty and Urbane 2.4%
Mayflower Hill 2.1%
Wampum 1.4%
In cea conservatoare, dupa 13463 de voturi clasamentul arata astfel:
Captain's Quarters 28.5%
Right Thinking From The Left Coast 14.9%
La Shawn Barber's Corner 14.7%
Vodka Pundit 11.8%
Althouse 6.7%
The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler 5.3%
Right Wing News 5.2%
Ramblings Journal 3.3%
Professor Bainbridge 3.0%
BeldarBlog 2.2%
Outside the Beltway 1.7%
The Spoons Experience 1.2%
The Jesse Factor 0.6%
Balloon Juice 0.4%
Incite 0.4%
Votati si voi!
va mai ofer eu un blog..http://fratiasindicat.blogspot.com
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