Constitutia Europeana-continuare-azi parerea "profesorilor"
Jean Monnet Center ne face ca de obicei un pustiu de bine,publicind online o serie de Working Papers dedicate subiectului care ne pasioneaza pe toti (mai ales pe noi romanii, care am stralucit ca de obicei prin neparticipare; pardon, am participat ca bastardul invitat de mila si cu sila la masa "fameliei" care nu s-a mai vazut de ani)
Dar iata mai jos aticolele cu pricina
No. 5/04 Symposium: Altneuland: The EU Constitution in a Contextual Perspective (O Conferinta Organizata de Hauser Global Law School Program, Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law & Justice, New York University School of Law impreuna cu Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs la Princeton University la care au participat citeva personalitati ale lumii academice, (vezi gasi articolele lor urmarind linkul din titlu) drintre care citam, la intimplare, pe Neil Walker, Philip Pettit, Andras Sajo, Mark Tushnet, Ran Hirschl, Armin von Bogdandy , Paul Craig....(webmaster-ul site-ului face urmatoriul comentariu pe care il reiau si eu: Armin von Bogdandy, The European Constitution and European Identity: A Critical Analysis of the Convention's Draft Preamble (original version) [We have decided to publish the original paper of Professor Von Bogdandy on the Preamble to the Draft Constitution as presented by the Convention (in addition to his comment on the post IGC Preamble) because of the striking and lasting value of his comments on the Original Preamble. We did not want this remarkable piece of scholarship lost.]
No. 6/04 Matej Avbelj, European Court of Justice and the Question of Value Choices: Fundamental human rights as an exception to the freedom of movement of goods
No. 7/04 Olivier de Schutter, The Implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights through the Open Method of Coordination
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