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New York times publica noi grozavii (articolul unui jurnalist care a insotit trupele de marines in asaltul Fallujah-ei), sub titlul " La Falluja, tinerii Marines au vazut grozavia unui razboi de gherilla urban"(cere inregistrare dar accesul este gratuit), facind si o analiza a a celor care infrunta gloantele inamicului pentru gloria Americii si cauza libertatii:
Despite their youth, the marines seemed to tower over their peers outside the military in maturity and guts.
Many of Bravo Company's best marines, its most proficient killers, were 19 and 20 years old; some directed their comrades in
maneuvers and assaults. Bravo Company's three lieutenants, each responsible for
the lives of about 50 men, were 23 and 24 years old.
They are a strangely anonymous bunch.The men who fight America's wars seem invariably to come from little towns and medium-size cities far away from the nation's arteries along the coast.
Line up a group of marines and ask them where they are from, and they will give you a list of places like Pearland, Tex.; Lodi, Ohio; Osawatomie, Kan.
Typical of the marines who fought in Falluja was Chad Ritchie, a 22-year-old corporal from Keezletown, Va. Corporal Ritchie, a soft-spoken, bespectacled intelligence officer, said he was happy to be out of the tiny place
where he grew up, though he admitted that he sometimes missed the good times on Friday nights in the fields.
"We'd have a bonfire, and back the trucks up on it, and open up the backs, and someone would always have some speakers," Corporal Ritchie said. "We'd drink beer, tell stories."
Like many of the young men in Bravo Company, Corporal Ritchie said he had joined the Marines because he yearned for an adventure greater than his small town could offer.
"The guys who stayed, they're all living with their parents, making $7 an hour," Corporal Ritchie said. "I'm not going to be one of those people who gets old and says, 'I wish I had done this. I wish I had done that.' Every once in a while, you've got to do something hard, do something you're not comfortable
with. A person needs a gut check."
Impreuna cu pozele de aici ( o imagine a grozaviei grotesti care este razboiul; cei care am fost prin "preajma" in zilele lui 1989 stim cit de cit cum arata "fata"acestor lupte)cele de mai sus ne dau o imagine a tragediei desfasurate in aceste zile nu departe de noi , targedie despre ale carei rezultate ne vorbeste Tribune aici (cere inregistrare, accesul e liber dupa aceea) sub titlul : Cei mai buni, straluciti si bogati parasesc Irakul-exodul lor este o piedica in calea reconstructiei.
Fie ca cei cazuti sa se ohineasca in pace.
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