Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Un simpozion despre Buxbaum (si Germania) la Boalt Hall si citeva lectii pentru Romania

The Berkeley Electronic Press, impreuna cu editorii(am fi tentati sa ii numim "maestrii" de la Boalt Hall) Robert Cooter, Daniel Farber, Philip Frickey, James Gordley, si invitatul special David Caron, anunta publicarea unui simpozion in onoarea lui is Richard M. Buxbaum. Buxbaum , citim in prospect, a fost o figura singulara atit in dreptul international cit si in cel comparativ, de cind s-a alaturascolii de drept a University of California in 1961. Simpozionul examineaza o topica centrala a doctrinei elaborate de domnia sa:" Germania: Reconstructia ei si reintegrarea ei in Europa si in Lume." Cum reconstructia si reintegrare sint "subiecte de interes "si in Romania suferinda, ca si Germania, de un totalitarism european(chiar daca altul), iata mai jos materialele despre viata domniei sale prezentate la simpozion.

David D. Caron "Dedication"

James Gordley "A Tribute to Richard Buxbaum".

Laurel E. Fletcher "Reflections on Germany, the Legal Academy, and Social Engagement: An Interview with Richard Buxbaum".

Marci Hoffman "Bibliography of Works by Richard M. Buxbaum".

Richard M. Buxbaum "A Legal History of International Reparations".

Stefan A. Riesenfeld "Private Autonomy and Power Imbalances".

Gerard Feldman "The Historian and Holocaust Restitution: Personal Experiences and Reflections".

George C. Christie "The Unwarranted Conclusions Drawn from Vincent v. Lake Erie Transportation Co. Concerning the Defense of Necessity".

Elizabeth Borgwardt "Re-examining Nuremberg as a New Deal Institution: Politics, Culture and the Limits of Law in Generating Human Rights Norms".

Pierre A. Karrer "Mass Claims Proceedings in Practice: A Few Lessons Learned".

Hannah L. Buxbaum "German Legal Culture and the Globalization of Competition Law: A Historical Perspective on the Expansion of Private Antitrust Enforcement".

Robert M. Berdahl "German Reunification in Historical Perspective".

Helen Elizabeth Hartnell "Belonging: Citizenship and Migration in the European Union and in Germany".

Martin Nettesheim "Developing a Theory of Democracy for the European Union".

Chandra Lekha Sriram "Transitional Justice Comes of Age: Enduring Lessons and Challenges".


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