Inca doua decizii privind "afaceri romanesti", de urmarit saptamina viitoare (marti 2 noiembrie):
Chivorchian v. Romania (no. 42513/98)
Ionescu v. Romania (no. 38608/97)
Redau mai jos ca de obicei, comunicatul Grefei
Maria Arsaluis Chivorchian, is a Romanian national who was born in 1979 and lives in Bucharest. She brought an action as an heir for the return of a piece of agricultural land which the State had expropriated without paying compensation and of another piece of land of which the State had taken possession. Paul Ionescu, is a Romanian national who was born in 1934 and lives in Craiova (Romania). He brought an action as an heir for the return of a house and adjoining land in Bucharest.
Both applicants complain of the Supreme Court of Justice’s refusal to accept that the domestic courts had jurisdiction to decide a claim for the return of land. They rely on Article 6 § 1 (right to a fair trial). They also complain under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (protection of property) of a breach of their right to the peaceful enjoyment of their possessions
Date fiind numarul mare de cazuri romanesti legate de "rateurile" legislative si judecatoresti privitoare la restituiri in comparatie cu alte cazuri de incalcare ale Conventiei, pare ca in Romania exista o anumita "specializare" (la CEDO) in aceasta directie, in timp ce in alte tari est-europene exista o "specializare" (specializari) in alte directii (CEDO). Poate ca in viitor vom avea prilejul sa discutam despre posibilele explicatii ale acestor "specializari"...